Lush Locks® - Healthy Hair Regeneration & Scalp Care
Promotes healthy hair cell-regeneration for a fuller head of hair.
A true EastWest® original aiding healthy hair regeneration, nourished follicles and improved scalp health and blood flow. Nourished follicles for shiner stronger hair that resists breakage and split ends.

Purchase Lush Locks®️ Shampoo & Conditioner Combo and get a FREE Massager & a Bottle of Lush Locks®️

What’s Inside
Thiamin is an important component to maintain hair thickness, and deficiencies correlate with progressively thinning hair.
This mineral dramatically enhances the delivery of oxygen and key nutrients to your scalp for the best results possible.
The most crucial B vitamin for mediating stress response. During times of stress, metabolic demand for B6 increases, which can contribute to increased hair loss if sufficient amounts aren’t present.
Naturally sourced magnesium may help clear oil and dirt from clogged hair follicles. This can stimulate hair regrowth, helping you get back the full head of hair you deserve.
Numerous studies have confirmed the role of folate in supplying follicles with proteins and nutrients. Better nutrient availability can help your follicles produce stronger cells.
A natural herb that can stimulate hair growth and bring back color. Foti works to nourish the liver and kidney creating a better blood flow to the scalp and providing more nourishment to the head.
Assists in the production of oxygen-rich blood cells to deliver nutrients to the scalp, and promote healthy thyroid function, a main driver of hair loss.
Aids in building, repairing and sustaining the human body. Supports an effective synthesis of collagen, which improves the condition of hair, nails, teeth and skin.
One of the most important compounds available for stimulating healthy hair cell growth. The most expensive hair regrowth treatments contain biotin, because it’s one of only compounds that’s been proven to work!
This powerful amino acid pairs with B-vitamins to stimulate rapid hair strand growth; helping you get fuller, more beautiful without the endless wait.

The Science: